The real and complex number systems


Chapter 1: The real and complex number systems Contents
 1.  Introduction
 2.  Ordered sets
 3.  Fields
 4.  The real field
 5.  The extended real number system
 6.  The complex field
 7.  Euclidean spaces

1. Introduction A satisfactory discussion of the main concepts of analysis must be based on an accurately defined number concept. We shall not, however, enter into any discussion of the axioms that govern the arithmetic of the integers, but assume familiarity with the rational numbers. Thus we have \mathbb{N}, \mathbb{Z}, \mathbb{Q}. The rational number system is inadequate for many purposes. This leads to the introduction of so-called "irrational numbers" which are often written as infinite decimal expansions. We may say the sequence 1,1.4,1.41,1.414,\dots "tends to \sqrt{2}". But unless the irrational number \sqrt{2} has been clearly defined, the question must arise: Just what is it that this sequence "tends to"? This sort of question can be answered as soon as the so-called "real number system" is constructed.

We can show that there is no rational p such that p^2=2. Now examine this situation a little more closely. Let A be the set of all positive rationals p such that p^2<2 and let B consist of all positive rationals p such that p^2>2. We shall show that A contains no largest number and B contains no smallest. More explicitly, for every p in A we can find a rational q in A such that p<q, and for every p in B we can find a rational q in B such that q<p. In fact, we can let

It can be easily checked that this q satisfies the conditions we want.

The purpose of the above discussion has been to show that the rational number system has certain gaps, in spite of the fact that between any two rationals there is another: If r<s then r<(r+s)/2<s. The real number system fills these gaps. This is the principal reason for the fundamental role which it plays in analysis.

In order to elucidate its structure, as well as that of the complex numbers, we start with a brief discussion of the general concepts of ordered set and field.
2. Ordered sets

Definition 1. Let S be a set. An {order} on S is a relation, denoted by <, with the following two properties:
  • If x\in S and y\in S then one and only one of the statements
    x<y, \quad x=y,\quad y>x

    is true.

  • If x, y, z \in S, if x<y and y<z, then x<z.

The statement "x<y" may be read as "x is less than y" or "x is smaller than y" or "x precedes y".

It is often convenient to write y > x in place of x<y. The notation x \leqslant y indicates that x<y or x = y, without specifying which of these two is to hold. In other words, x \leqslant y is the negation of x > y.

Definition 2. An {ordered set} is a set S in which an order is defined.

For example, \mathbb{Q} is an ordered set if r <s is defined to mean that s - r is a positive rational number.

Definition 3. Suppose S is an ordered set, and E \subset S. If there exists a \beta\in S such that x\leqslant\beta for every x \in E, we say that E is {bounded above}, and call \beta an {upper bound} of E.

Lower bounds are defined in the same way.

Definition 4. Suppose S is an ordered set, E \subset S, and E is bounded above. Suppose there extsts an \alpha\in S with the folloing properties:
  • \alpha is an upper bound of E.
  • If y<\alpha then y is not an upper bound of E.
Then \alpha is called the {least upper bound of} \boldsymbol{E} [that there is at most one such \alpha is clear] or the {supremum of} \boldsymbol{E}, and we write \alpha=\sup E.

The {greatest lower bound}, or {infimum}, of a set E which is bounded below is defined in the same manner: The statement \alpha=\inf E means that \alpha is a lower bound of E and that no \beta with \beta>\alpha is a lower bound of E.

Definition 5. An ordered set S is said to have the {least-upper-bound property} if the following is true:

If E \subset S, E is not empty, and E is bounded above, then \sup E exists in S.

\mathbb{Q} does not have the least-upper-bound property.

There is a close relation between greatest lower bounds and least upper bounds, and that every ordered set with the least-upper bound property also has the greatest-lower-bound property.

Theorem 6. Suppose S is an ordered set with the least-upper-bound property, B\subset S, B is not empty, and B is bounded below. Let L be the set of all lower bounds of B. Then \alpha= \sup L exists in S, and \alpha=\inf B.

In particular, \inf B exists in S.

Proof. L is nonempty. Every x\in B is an upper bound of L. Thus L is bounded above, and L has a supremum \alpha in S. \alpha\in L, so \alpha is a lower bound of B, but \beta is not if \beta>\alpha. This means that \alpha= \inf B.

3. Fields

Definition 7. A {field} is a set F with two operations, called {addition} and {multiplication}, which satisfy the following so-called "field axioms":\
{(A) Axioms for addition}
  1. If x \in F and y \in F, then their sum x + y is in F.
  2. Addition is commutative: x + y = y + x for all x, y \in F.
  3. Addition is associative: (x + y) + z = x + (y + z) for all x, y, z \in F.
  4. F contains an element 0 such that 0 + x = x for every x \in F.
  5. To every x \in F corresponds an element -x \in F such that x +(-x) = 0.
{(M) Axioms for multiplication}
  1. If x \in F and y \in F, then their product xy is in F.
  2. Multiplication is commutative: xy = yx for all x, y \in F.
  3. Multiplication is associative: (xy)z = x(yz) for all x, y, z \in F.
  4. F contains an element 1\neq0 such that lx = x for every x \in F.
  5. If x \in F and x \neq 0 then there exists an element 1/x \in F such that x\cdot (1/x) = 1.
{(D) The distributive law}
  1. x(y + z) = xy + xz holds for all x, y, z \in F.

The field axioms clearly hold in \mathbb Q if addition and multiplication have their customary meaning. Thus \mathbb Q is a field.

Proposition 8. The axioms for addition imply the following statements.
  1. If x+y=x+z then y=z.
  2. If x + y = x then y = 0.
  3. If x + y = 0 then y = -x.
  4. -(-x))=x.

Statement (1) is a cancellation law. Note that (2) asserts the uniqueness of the element whose existence is assumed in (A4), and that (3) does the same for (A5).

Proposition 9. The axioms for multiplication imply the following statements.
  1. If x\neq0 and xy = xz then y = z.
  2. If x\neq0 and xy = x then y = 1.
  3. If x\neq0 and xy = 1 then y = 1/x.
  4. If x\neq0 then 1/(1/x))=x.
Proposition 10. The field axioms imply the following statements, for any x,y,z\in F.
  1. 0x=0.
  2. If x\neq0 and y\neq0 then xy\neq0.
  3. (-x)y=-(xy)=x(-y).
  4. (-x)(-y)=xy.
Definition 11. An {ordered field} is a field F which is also an ordered set, such that
  • x+y<x+z if x, y, z \in F and y<z,
  • xy>0 if x\in F,\, y\in F,\, x>0, and y>0.
If x > 0, we call x positive; if x<0, x is negative.

For example, \mathbb{Q} is an ordered field.

All the familiar rules for working with inequalities apply in every ordered field: Multiplication by positive [negative] quantities preserves [reverses] inequalities, no square is negative, etc. The following proposition lists some of these.

Proposition 12. The following statements are true in every ordered field.
  1. If x > 0 then -x<0, and vice versa.
  2. If x > 0 and y< z then xy <xz.
  3. If x<0 and y< z then xy > xz.
  4. If x \neq 0 then x^2 > 0. In particular, 1 > 0.
  5. If 0<x<y then 0<1/y<1/x.

4. The real field

We now state the existence theorem which is the core of this chapter.

Theorem 13. There exists an ordered field \mathbb{R} which has the least-upper-bound property.

Moreover, \mathbb{R} contains \mathbb{Q} as a subfield.

The second statement means that \mathbb{Q} \subset \mathbb{R} and that the operations of addition and multiplication in \mathbb{R}, when applied to members of \mathbb{Q}, coincide with the usual operations on rational numbers; also, the positive rational numbers are positive elements of \mathbb{R}.

The members of \mathbb{R} are called real numbers.

The proof of this theorem is rather long and a bit tedious. The proof actually constructs \mathbb{R} from \mathbb{Q}.

The next theorem could be extracted from this construction with very little extra effort. However, we prefer to derive it from Theorem theorem141 since this provides a good illustration of what one can do with the least-upper-bound property.

Theorem 14. a
  1. If x \in \mathbb{R},\, y\in \mathbb{R}, and x > 0, then there is a positive integer n such that nx>y.
  2. If x \in \mathbb{R},\, y \in \mathbb{R}, and x<y, then there exists a p\in\mathbb Q such that x<p<y.

Part (1) is usually referred to as the archimedean property of \mathbb{R}. Part (2) may be stated by saying that \mathbb{Q} is dense in \mathbb R: Between any two real numbers there is a rational one.

Theorem 15. For every real x > 0 and every integer n > 0 there is one and only one positive real y such that y^n = x.

Corollary 16. If a and b are positive real numbers and n is a positive integer, then (ab)^{1/n}=a^{1/n}b^{1/n}.

The proof of theorem theorem143 shows how the difficulty pointed out in the Introduction (irrationality of \sqrt{2}) can be handled in \mathbb R.

We conclude this section by pointing out the relation between real numbers and decimals.

Let x > 0 be real. Let n_0 be the largest integer such that n_0 \leqslant x. (Note that the existence of n_0 depends on the archimedean property of \mathbb R.) Having chosen n_0 , n_1, \dots , n_{k-1}, let n_k be the largest integer such that
n_0+\frac{n_1}{10}+\dots+\frac{n_k}{10^k}\leqslant x.

Let E be the set of these numbers
n_0+\frac{n_1}{10}+\dots+\frac{n_k}{10^k}\quad (k=0,1,\dots)
Then x=\sup E. The decimal expansion of x is

Conversely, for any infinite decimal (12) the set E of numbers (11) is bounded above, and (12) is the decimal expansion of \sup E.

Since we shall never use decimals, we do not enter into a detailed discussion.

{The construction of \mathbb{R}}
Theorem theorem141 will be proved here briefly by constructing \mathbb R from \mathbb Q. The "cuts" in \mathbb Q which we used later were invented by Dedekind. In another construction, each real number is defined to be an equivalence class of Cauchy sequences of rational numbers. The construction of \mathbb R from \mathbb Q by means of Cauchy sequences is due to Cantor. Both Cantor and Dedekind published their constructions in 1872.

We shall divide the construction into several steps.

Step 1.

The members of \mathbb R will be certain subsets of \mathbb Q, called cuts. A cut is, by definition, any set \alpha \subset \mathbb Q with the following three properties.

  1. \alpha is not empty, and \alpha\neq\mathbb Q.
  2. If p\in \alpha,\, q\in\mathbb{Q} and q<p, then q\in\alpha.
  3. If p\in\alpha, then p<r for some r\in\alpha.

The letters p, q, r, \dots will always denote rational numbers, and \alpha, \beta, \gamma, \dots will denote cuts.

Note that (3) simply says that \alpha has no largest member; (2) implies two facts which will be used:

If p\in\alpha and q\notin\alpha then p<q. If r\notin \alpha and r<s then s\notin\alpha.

Step 2.

Define "\alpha<\beta" to mean: \alpha is a proper subset of \beta.

It can be checked that this meets the requirements of Definitiondef11. Thus \mathbb R is now an ordered set.

Step 3.

The ordered set \mathbb R has the least-upper-bound property.

Step 4.

If \alpha\in\mathbb R and \beta\in\mathbb R we define \alpha+\beta to be the set of all sums r + s, where r \in\alpha and s\in\beta.

We define 0^\ast to be the set of all negative rational numbers. It is clear that 0^\ast is a cut. We can verify that the axioms for addition hold in \mathbb R, with 0^\ast playing the role of 0.

Step 5.

Having proved that the addition defined in Step 4 satisfies Axioms (A)
of Definition def16, it follows that Proposition prop131 is valid in \mathbb R, and we can prove one of the requirements of Definition def17: If \alpha,\beta,\gamma\in\mathbb R and \beta<\gamma, then \alpha+\beta<\alpha+\gamma.

It also follows that \alpha > 0^\ast if and only if -\alpha<0^\ast.

Step 6.

Multiplication is a little more bothersome than addition in the present context, since products of negative rationals are positive. For this reason we confine ourselves first to \mathbb R^+, the set of all \alpha\in\mathbb R with \alpha> 0^\ast.

If \alpha,\beta\in\mathbb{R}^+, we define \alpha\beta to be the set of all p s.t. p\leqslant rs for some choice of r\in\alpha,\, s\in\beta,\, r>0,\, s>0.

We define 1^\ast to be the set of all q<1.

Then the axioms (M), (D) of Definition def16 hold, with \mathbb R^+ in place of \mathbb F, and with 1^\ast in the role of 1.

Step 7.

We complete the definition of multiplication by setting \alpha0^\ast = 0^\ast\alpha = 0^\ast, and by setting
(-\alpha)(-\beta),& \text{if }\alpha<0^\ast,\, \beta<0^\ast,\\
-((-\alpha)\beta),& \text{if }\alpha<0^\ast,\, \beta>0^\ast,\\
-(\alpha\cdot(-\beta)),& \text{if }\alpha>0^\ast,\, \beta<0^\ast.

The products on the right were defined in Step 6.

\mathbb{R} now is an ordered field with the least-upper-bound property.

Step 8.

We associate with each r \in\mathbb Q the set r^\ast which consists of all p \in\mathbb Q such that p<r. It is clear that each r^\ast is a cut; that is, r^\ast \in\mathbb R. These cuts satisfy the following relations:

  • r^\ast+s^\ast=(r+s)^\ast,
  • r^\ast s^\ast=(rs)^\ast,
  • r^\ast<s^\ast if and only if r<s.

Step 9.

We saw in Step 8 that the replacement of the rational numbers r by the corresponding "rational cuts" r^\ast \in\mathbb R preserves sums, products, and order. This fact may be expressed by saying that the ordered field \mathbb Q is isomorphic to the ordered field \mathbb Q^\ast whose elements are the rational cuts. Of course, r^\ast is by no means the same as r, but the properties we are concerned with (arithmetic and order) are the same in the two fields.

It is this identification of \mathbb Q with \mathbb Q^\ast which allows us to regard \mathbb Q as a subfield of \mathbb R.

The second part of Theorem theorem141 is to be understood in terms of this identification. Note that the same phenomenon occurs when the real numbers are regarded as a subfield of the complex field, and it also occurs at a much more elementary level, when the integers are identified with a certain subset of \mathbb Q.

It is a fact, which we will not prove here, that any two ordered fields with the least-upper-bound property are isomorphic. The first part of Theorem theorem141 therefore characterizes the real field \mathbb R completely.
5. The extended real number system

Definition 17. The extended real number system consists of the real field \mathbb R and two symbols, +\infty and -\infty. We preserve the original order in \mathbb R, and define -\infty<x<+\infty for every x \in\mathbb R.

It is then clear that +\infty is an upper bound of every subset of the extended real number system, and that every nonempty subset has a least upper bound. If, for example, E is a nonempty set of real numbers which is not bounded above in \mathbb R, then \sup E = +\infty in the extended real number system.

Exactly the same remarks apply to lower bounds.

The extended real number system does not form a field, but it is customary to make the following conventions: (a) If x is real then x+\infty=\infty,\, x-\infty=-\infty,x/(\pm\infty)=0; (b) If x>0 then x\cdot(+\infty)=+\infty,\, x\cdot(-\infty)=-\infty; (c) If x<0 then x\cdot(+\infty)=-\infty,\, x\cdot(-\infty)=+\infty.

When it is desired to make the distinction between real numbers on the one hand and the symbols +\infty and -\infty on the other quite explicit, the former are called finite.
6. The complex field

Definition 18. A {complex number} is an ordered pair (a, b) of real numbers. "Ordered" means that (a, b) and (b, a) are regarded as distinct if a \neq b.

Let x =(a, b),\, y = (c, d) be two complex numbers. We write x = y if and only if a= c and b =d. (Note that this definition is not entirely superfluous; think of equality of rational numbers, represented as quotients of integers.) We
define x+y=(a+c,b+d),xy=(ac-bd,ad+bc).

Theorem 19. These definitions of addition and multiplication turn the set of all complex numbers into afield, with (0, 0) and (1, 0) in the role of 0 and 1.

Theorem 20. For any real numbers a and b we have (a, 0) + (b, 0) = (a + b, 0),\, (a, 0)(b, 0) = (ab, 0).

Theorem theorem162 shows that the complex numbers of the form (a, 0) have the same arithmetic properties as the corresponding real numbers a. We can therefore identify (a, 0) with a. This identification gives us the real field as a subfield of the complex field.

The reader may have noticed that we have defined the complex numbers without any reference to the mysterious square root of -1. We now show that the notation (a, b) is equivalent to the more customary a+ bi.

Definition 21. i=(0,1).

Theorem 22. i^2=-1.

Theorem 23. If a and b are real, then (a, b) = a + bi.

Definition 24. If a, b are real and z =a+ bi, then the complex number \bar z= a- bi is called the conjugate of z. The numbers a and b are the real part and the imaginary part of z, respectively.

We shall occasionally write a=\operatorname{Re}(z),\, b=\operatorname{Im}(z).

Theorem 25. If z and w are complex, then
  • \overline{z+w}=\bar z+\bar w,
  • \overline{zw}=\bar{z}\cdot\bar{w},
  • z+\bar z=2\operatorname{Re}(z),\, z-\bar z=2i\operatorname{Im}(z),
  • z\bar z is real and positive (except when z = 0).

Definition 26. If z is a complex number, its absolute value |z| is the nonnegative square root of z\bar z; that is, |z|=(z\bar z)^{1/2}.

The existence (and uniqueness) of |z| follows from Theorem theorem143 and part four of Theorem theorem165. Note that when x is real, then \bar x = x, hence |x| =\sqrt{x^2}. Thus |x| = x if x>0, |x| = -x if x<0.

Theorem 27. Let z and w are complex numbers. Then
  • |z|>0 unless z=0, |0|=0,
  • |\bar z|=|z|,
  • |zw|=|z||w|,
  • |\operatorname{Re}z|\leqslant|z|,
  • |z+w|\leqslant|z|+|w|.

For the last inequality, note that |z+w|^2=(z+w)(\bar z+\bar w)\leqslant|z|^2+2|z\bar w|+|w|^2=(|z|+|w|)^2.

Theorem 28. If a_1,\dots,a_n and b_1,\dots,b_n are complex numbers, then
\Big|\sum_{j=1}^{n} a_{j} \bar{b}_{j}\Big|^{2} \leq \sum_{j=1}^{n}\left|a_{j}\right|^{2} \sum_{j=1}^{n}\left|b_{j}\right|^{2}.

7. Euclidean spaces
Theorem 29. Suppose \mathbf{x,y,z}\in\mathbb{R}^k, and \alpha is real. Then
  1. |\mathbf x|\geqslant0,
  2. |\mathbf{x}|=0 if and only if \mathbf{x}=0,
  3. |\alpha\mathbf x|=|\alpha||\mathbf x|,
  4. |\mathbf {x\cdot y}|\leqslant|\mathbf x||\mathbf y|,
  5. |\mathbf{x+y}|\leqslant|\mathbf x|+|\mathbf y|,
  6. |\mathbf x-\mathbf z|\leqslant|\mathbf x-\mathbf y|+|\mathbf y- \mathbf z|

This theorem (1),(2) and (6) will allow us to regard \mathbb R^k as a metric space.



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